1. Ping does not work when hosts attached to two different switches in OVS-Switch

Ping does not work when hosts attached to two different switches in OVS-Switch

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Ping does not work when hosts attached to two different switches in OVS-Switch

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  • #8376
    Sourya Saha

      I am trying out the example with OVS-Switch. But instead of 1 switch with 2 nodes, i have two different swithces with one host each. The following is the topology:

      Note that the switches have been configured as per the OVS-Switch example. The hosts have been configured with IP and The controller node can be seen to have 2 interfaces. The interface connected to swithc1 has IP and that connected to swithc2 has IP I have enabled Spanning tree protocol in both the switches. IP forwarding has been set to 1 in the controller node. But host1 does not get any reply to the ping to h2.

      My slice ID is: ce5e92a8-152c-44c9-a5a2-2cd52300c0cc

      I would be highly obliged if someone could help me with this. I am trying to setup an SDN exepriment.

      Sourya Saha

        I now converted the controller node to a switch and ping works now. I am still unable to comprehend why the controller was not forwarding the ICMP packets between its interfaces to reach the host2 when it was not a switch. It still has IPv4 forwarding enabled.

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