1. Port mirroring issue for Bundle-Ether ports

Port mirroring issue for Bundle-Ether ports

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Port mirroring issue for Bundle-Ether ports

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  • #6198
    Nishanth Shyamkumar
      It looks like when specific sites have Bundle-Ether[nnn] as one of the uplink ports as seen here for CERN,
      {'CERN': ['HundredGigE0/0/0/27', 'Bundle-Ether100']}

      Then, the port mirror service fails with the following error during slice submission:

      failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: e645063f-2321-4e83-8072-9074600ab385 Playbook has failed tasks: NSO set_value unknown params value. path = /ncs:services/port-mirror:port-mirrorCERN_CERN_node0_-e645063f-2321-4e83-8072-9074600ab385/from-interface/type. value = Ether1#all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: e645063f-2321-4e83-8072-9074600ab385 Playbook has failed tasks: NSO set_value unknown params value. path = /ncs:services/port-mirror:port-mirrorCERN_CERN_node0_-e645063f-2321-4e83-8072-9074600ab385/from-interface/type. value = Ether1#

      Could someone explain the reason for the error and how Bundle-Ether differs from the other uplink ports.

      Xi Yang

        Bundle-Ether (400G) interfaces are not supported in our network service templates. We will discuss this internally and would likely support it in a next software release.

        Nishanth Shyamkumar

          Thanks for the information.

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