1. Project member I did not specify is being added to my project

Project member I did not specify is being added to my project

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Project member I did not specify is being added to my project

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  • #5252
    Fraida Fund

      I am trying out the “batch upload” feature. I uploaded the CSV file shown in the attached screenshot (note that all are @nyu.edu email addresses). The portal then shows that it wants to add a member who was not in the CSV file (see the red part in the second attached screenshot).


      Yaxue Guo

        Hi Fraida,

        Before you upload the CSV file, does this project have any existing project members? Portal queries the back-end services to search users by the email per the CSV file. Could you please also send the .CSV file to yaxueguo@renci.org so that I can try reproducing this issue? Thank you!


        Fraida Fund

          The project did not have any members before.

          I realized that the CSV file had an “Email” header at the top. It appears that the first existing FABRIC user with “email” in their email address was matched to this line. You can reproduce with a blank file with just the text


          in it. Similarly, if I use this CSV file:


          it tries to add the first FABRIC user with “nyu” in their email address.

          It seems to be matching on partial string instead of the entire string, so I guess if there were two users “xx@email.org” and “axx@email.org”, and I upload a CSV with “xx@email.org”, it might match to “axx@email.org” instead of “xx@email.org”.

          Yaxue Guo

            Hi Fraida,

            Thank you for reporting this issue! I’ll work with our back-end team to update the API to ensure exact match for searching user by email. Also Portal UI regarding the project member/ owner management will be updated to address the existing usability issues in the upcoming FABRIC Portal v1.5.1 release (around September 20, 2023). Please stay tuned!

            Thanks again for your help and patience.



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