1. Question about Resource Map notebook

Question about Resource Map notebook

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  • #468
    Gautam Sirdeshmukh

      I have created a Jupyter notebook which queries for the user’s most recently created slice and generates a map with markers specifying where the resources are located. The user can click on the markers to view more detailed information about each resource. WordPress won’t allow me to attach the file, for “security reasons”, but here is a Google Drive link from which you should be able to access it.

      Currently, the map saves as an HTML file to the user’s working directory, but I am trying to figure out how to save it as a PNG or JPEG. I have tried using numerous Python packages to do so, and have even tried to figure out ways to screenshot the map directly through JupyterLab, but I cannot seem to crack it. If anyone has experience with Python maps or may know how to screenshot/save the map as a PNG or JPEG, please let me know down below! Any other comments, questions or suggestions are welcome as well.

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Paul Ruth.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Paul Ruth.
      Gautam Sirdeshmukh

        I can’t seem to upload the notebook as a file, but if I figure it out it will appear here. Otherwise, the Google Drive link above works.


        And I was able to get the map even though I only head a “dead” slice, my understanding was that it should only be “StableOK” or active slices that are displayed?

        Gautam Sirdeshmukh

          Yes I have, but I now realize that it might be better to leave the map as an HTML since it has several interactive components, so this might not be an issue any more.

          Gautam Sirdeshmukh

            Regarding dead slices showing up: I have now fixed this (and added several more features)! A new version of this notebook will be uploaded next week

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