1. Recent issues with SRI, BRIST, TACC

Recent issues with SRI, BRIST, TACC

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Recent issues with SRI, BRIST, TACC

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  • #7044
    Sunjay Cauligi

      I unfortunately didn’t keep logs of the specific errors I encountered, but I’ve had problems with either failing to acquire nodes or nodes becoming inaccessible at the following sites:

      # SRI (2024 05 16)
      # BRIST (2024 05 18)
      # TACC out of ip addresses? (2024 06 03)
      Hussam Nasir


        TACC being our of IP is out of our hands for now due to the limited IPv4 space available. Hopefully, by Fall, the rack will be converted to using IPv6 which would resolve this issue.

        BRIST had a data plane outage today (07:00 BST and 09:00 BST Tuesday 4th June 2024.). Apart from these, we are unaware of any other issues. We will need more details about the nature of the error to investigate further.

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