1. Recent regression: no geographical locations?

Recent regression: no geographical locations?

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Recent regression: no geographical locations?

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    James McCauley

      I believe this change occurred within the last few days.

      The JSON data returned by fablib.show_site(site, output="json", quiet=True, pretty_names=True) still contains a ‘location’ key, but it seems to now always be [0, 0]. This used to contain latitude and longitude.

      I’m running this from JupyterLab. I had been using the default “Fall 2023” container. I just tried it on the bleeding edge one (with fabrictestbed-extensions 1.5.2) and get the same results.

      Is this expected? Known? A problem on my part?

      Ilya Baldin

        We’ll look into it. Certainly not anything we did on purpose.

        Ilya Baldin

          Thank you for reporting this – there has been a change in the underlying Nominatim API we are using to convert addresses to latlon that we failed to notice. We will update the Fall 2023 and the Bleeding Edge containers with the updated version of the underlying library that tracks this change. The 1.4.6 container is already end-of-life – we will not update it, code in it will continue to report 0 values for lat and lon.

          James McCauley

            Just ran again on the Fall 2023 container (now showing FIM 1.5.4), and it appears to be back to working as expected. Thanks!

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