1. Renew slice fails in fablib

Renew slice fails in fablib

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  • #5044
    Nishanth Shyamkumar

      I created a slice and by default it gives a 1 day lease period. I tried to extend it to 30 days using the following code, so that I don’t lose my work:

      import datetime
      slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
      end_date = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=30)).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z”)
      except Exception as e:
      print(f”Exception: {e}”)


      Exception: Failed to renew slice: Status.INVALID_ARGUMENTS, Lease End Time 2023-09-14 20:31:49 should be in format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z

      The exception says that the date format is wrong, but I don’t see what the problem is exactly.
      Also, is there a way to set the lease duration while creating the slice?`



      I believe the max time you can renew a slice for is 7 days.
      Try with 7 or less in the days parameter. You can rerun this code in the future to extend the slice further.

      Nishanth Shyamkumar

        I tried with less than 7 days, but it fails with the same error.

        For example, the exception when I try to extend it by 1 day:

        Exception: Failed to renew slice: Status.INVALID_ARGUMENTS, Lease End Time 2023-08-16 23:54:38 should be in format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z

        Ilya Baldin

          Without Slice.NoLimitLifetime you can only renew in increments of two weeks (14 days). See this article: https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/knowledge-base/fabric-user-roles-and-project-permissions/ for more on project permission structure.

          Please let us know:

          1. Which container you are using if you are using Jupyter Hub (there are 4 to choose from).

          2. What is the version of fablib you are using: pip freeze | grep fabrictestbed

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Ilya Baldin.

          Oh I see!

          In my scripts I’m using a slightly different command. Here’s a full snippet.

          from datetime import datetime, timedelta
          from dateutil import tz
          end_date = (datetime.now(tz=tz.tzutc()) + timedelta(days=7)).strftime(“%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z”)
          fabric_slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
          fabric_slice = fabric_slice.renew(end_date)

          fabric_slice = fablib.get_slice(name=slice_name)
          print(f’New lease end time: {fabric_slice.get_lease_end()}’)
          except Exception as e:
          print(f”Fail: {e}”)

          Nishanth Shyamkumar

            Hi, with Georgios’ code snippet, the renewal was successfully extended. What was missing was the ‘tz.tzutc()’  when using datetime.now(), which needs to be explicitly defined as the %z argument.

            Ilya Baldin

              If you can remember where you got the code snippet you were trying to use @Nishanth please point it to us – it is likely from an older version of the API and we should correct it.

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