1. Reserve bandwidth for a slice

Reserve bandwidth for a slice

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Reserve bandwidth for a slice

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  • #7348
    Prateek Jain


      I have a slice with 5 nodes on teracore network. I need to conduct several experiments that require a stable and interference-free network environment. I’m looking to ensure that my experimental traffic is prioritized, or isolated, to avoid any interference from other experimenters using the same infrastructure. I’m considering reserving bandwidth for the slice that includes all nodes relevant to my experiments.

      Is there any way to reserve bandwidth for a slice on teracore network? If yes, can you please direct me to the relevant page or jupyter notebook?


      Komal Thareja

        Hi Prateek,

        We currently do not support guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS), but we do offer best-effort QoS. You can request bandwidth by setting it on your interfaces using a command like iface.set_bandwidth(10).

        Please note that Basic NICs are essentially Virtual Functions, and the underlying dedicated NIC is shared, so guaranteed bandwidth may not be achievable. However, you should see better performance with ConnectX_6 or ConnectX_5 NICs.

        Here’s an example slice request for your reference:

        #Create Slice
        slice = fablib.new_slice(name=slice_name)
        # Network
        net1 = slice.add_l2network(name=network_name, subnet=IPv4Network(""))
        # Node1
        node1 = slice.add_node(name=node1_name, site=site)
        iface1 = node1.add_component(model='NIC_Basic', name='nic1').get_interfaces()[0]
        # Node2
        node2 = slice.add_node(name=node2_name, site=site)
        iface2 = node2.add_component(model='NIC_Basic', name='nic1').get_interfaces()[0]
        #Submit Slice Request


        Prateek Jain

          Thanks! I will try that.

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