1. Setting up jupyter Hub environment

Setting up jupyter Hub environment

Home Forums FABRIC Educators Setting up jupyter Hub environment

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  • #5270
    Yuvaraj Munian


      As per your suggestion when i try to run through the jupyter hub, while i use the environment setup i have created the wrong path, also i want to see the default comments given their. It is not shutting down the kernel fully. whenever i open the page it is showing the link what I have edited not the default one. Can you please help me to setup the environment or direct me in setting up.

      Thank you

      Luis Contreras

        Hello Yuvaraj,

        could you provide an image of the environment setup you used to create the path?, regarding the kernel there should be a button on the top left bar in the shape of a circle with a square in the middle, in this interface you should be able to see the kernels that are currently running, and you should be able to shut the intended kernel there.

        Yuvaraj Munian

          here is the screen shot. when i try to shut down the kernels, its not shutting down. If i open back the hello example and click the environment config. I am seeing the same file back again.

          Luis Contreras

            I’m not sure if this might be the case, but you may have accidentally saved the notebook after running it, the kernel might be shut down, but the state (visually) remains there, you can try to hit the fast-forward button next to the “markdown dropdown” to shut the kernel down and re-run the notebook at the same time or left-click and ‘clear output’ to see it visually different, do let me know if this was not the problem, and if that is the case could you show me a picture of the interface i spoke of before and any error messages you encounter?

            In terms of the path made: let me know if any other items were modified in the configure.ipynb notebook if you are still having problems after changing the following lines, i believe the only problem with the pathing might be the second line where the “ssh_config file” was changed.

            the following are the default paths:

            export FABRIC_BASTION_PRIVATE_KEY_LOCATION=${HOME}/work/fabric_config/{bastion Key name}

            export FABRIC_BASTION_SSH_CONFIG_FILE=${HOME}’/work/fabric_config/ssh_config’
            export FABRIC_RC_FILE=${HOME}’/work/fabric_config/fabric_rc’

            Yuvaraj Munian

              I have changed as you said and now i am getting this error. Herewith attached the screenshot


              Luis Contreras

                There path on the output shows “/home/fabricwork/fabric_config/ssh_config”, I believe the correct pathing should be “/~/work/fabric_config/ssh_config” or “/work/fabric_config/ssh_config” the directory “fabricwork” should not be there, is this a folder you created?


                Luis Contreras

                  My appologies, What the problem is with the path is that it is missing a “/” before work when the path was set,

                  export FABRIC_BASTION_SSH_CONFIG_FILE=${HOME}’/work/fabric_config/ssh_config’


                  export FABRIC_BASTION_SSH_CONFIG_FILE=${HOME}’work/fabric_config/ssh_config’

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