1. Setting up Kubernetes cluster on FABRIC

Setting up Kubernetes cluster on FABRIC

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Setting up Kubernetes cluster on FABRIC

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  • #7923
    Acheme Acheme


      I will be very grateful if someone can share a working notebook or steps to successfully setup a kubernetes cluster (a master node and at least one worker node) on FABRIC.

      The example notebook configuration seems to be out of date and I tried to setup using guides online with issues:

      After installing the application on the Master node and two worker nodes, I install a Container Network Interface (CNI) application and initialize the on the master.
      I have able to “kubectl get nodes” and see the master node is “ready”. but using the join message on the worker nodes gives an error:ubuntu@Node3:~$ sudo kubeadm join –token 328ikr.ix01rv2tss194wpm –discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f4f2be6d0e13d8a30f660fd22836f85b7a6c6068115910dc8a73634eef197540
      [preflight] Running pre-flight checks
      error execution phase preflight: couldn’t validate the identity of the API Server: failed to request the cluster-info ConfigMap: client rate limiter Wait returned an error: rate: Wait(n=1) would exceed context deadline
      To see the stack trace of this error execute with –v=5 or higher

      Thank you very much.

      Fraida Fund

        Hi, you can use this example: https://github.com/teaching-on-testbeds/k8s

        I just tested it and the playbook failed on the first run, but was successful on a second attempt. If it is successful, you should see zero “failed”, like this –

        PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
        localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
        node-0                     : ok=715  changed=35   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1252 rescued=0    ignored=1   
        node-1                     : ok=610  changed=26   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1109 rescued=0    ignored=1   
        node-2                     : ok=502  changed=20   unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=779  rescued=0    ignored=1   

        (I developed that example for teaching this material: https://github.com/teaching-on-testbeds/k8s-ml, if you want to see an example of how it is used. )

        Acheme Acheme

          Thank you very much, this works!

          Komal Thareja

            Thank you so much @Fraida! Could we please request you to consider uploading this to Fabric Artifacts to enable other Fabric users to leverage this?

            Appreciate your help with this!

            Artifact Manager: https://artifacts.fabric-testbed.net/artifacts/

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