1. Sharing a slice with project participants

Sharing a slice with project participants

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Sharing a slice with project participants

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  • #5304
    susmit shannigrahi


      We are trying to share access to a slice between collaborators on a project. These collaborators are added to the project and approved as users.

      What permissions do I need to set so that they can:

      1. see the slices I create as part of the project on the portal and
      2. get ssh access the VMs?

        We are currently sharing the key pairs we generated (both public and private keys) and the IP addresses of individual VMs. Is there another way to share access to the VMs?


      Ilya Baldin


        For the moment what you describe is the way to do it. We are considering a feature to allow users within a project to see each others’ slices, but it has not been implemented. One thing that can make your life a little easier is the ability to introduce other users’ keys into your slice at creation time described in this notebook:



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