1. Slice creation fails

Slice creation fails

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    When I create the slice, the cell execution gets stuck after displaying the table ‘Slivers’  and does not print the ‘Nodes’, ‘Networks’, and ‘Interfaces’ tables. My slice ID is 25c2fb69-ed4c-4226-9a6d-a4491cf2f157 and I am using the Jupyter Notebook on the platform. Below is the code for creating the slice:


    from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager

    # Slice configuration
    slice_name = “INT2” # Slice name

    # Hosts configuration
    host_cores = 2
    host_ram = 2
    host_disk = 10

    # Switch configuration
    switch_cores = 4
    switch_ram = 8
    switch_disk = 10

    site1 = “MAX” # Site name
    site2 = “ATLA” # Site name
    site3 = “CERN” # Site name
    site4 = “GATECH” # Site name

    # Image configuration
    image = “default_ubuntu_20″

    fablib = fablib_manager() # Create a new FablibManager object
    slice = fablib.new_slice(name=slice_name) # Create a new slice

    # Hosts and switches creation
    h1 = slice.add_node(name=”h1″, site=site1, cores=host_cores, ram=host_ram, disk=host_disk, image=image)
    h2 = slice.add_node(name=”h2″, site=site2, cores=host_cores, ram=host_ram, disk=host_disk, image=image)
    h3 = slice.add_node(name=”h3″, site=site3, cores=host_cores, ram=host_ram, disk=host_disk, image=image)
    h4 = slice.add_node(name=”h4″, site=site4, cores=host_cores, ram=host_ram, disk=host_disk, image=image)
    s1 = slice.add_node(name=”s1″, site=site1, cores=switch_cores, ram=switch_ram, disk=switch_disk, image=image)
    s2 = slice.add_node(name=”s2″, site=site2, cores=switch_cores, ram=switch_ram, disk=switch_disk, image=image)
    s3 = slice.add_node(name=”s3″, site=site3, cores=switch_cores, ram=switch_ram, disk=switch_disk, image=image)
    s4 = slice.add_node(name=”s4”, site=site4, cores=switch_cores, ram=switch_ram, disk=switch_disk, image=image)

    # Interfaces creation
    h1_iface0 = h1.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’h1p0′).get_interfaces()[0]
    h2_iface0 = h2.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’h2p0′).get_interfaces()[0]
    h3_iface0 = h3.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’h3p0′).get_interfaces()[0]
    h4_iface0 = h4.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’h4p0′).get_interfaces()[0]

    s1_iface1 = s1.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s1p1′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s1_iface2 = s1.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s1p2′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s1_iface3 = s1.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s1p3′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s1_iface4 = s1.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s1p4′).get_interfaces()[0]

    s2_iface1 = s2.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s2p1′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s2_iface2 = s2.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s2p2′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s2_iface3 = s2.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s2p3′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s2_iface4 = s2.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s2p4′).get_interfaces()[0]

    s3_iface1 = s3.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s3p1′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s3_iface2 = s3.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s3p2′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s3_iface3 = s3.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s3p3′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s3_iface4 = s3.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s3p4′).get_interfaces()[0]

    s4_iface1 = s4.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s4p1′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s4_iface2 = s4.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s4p2′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s4_iface3 = s4.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s4p3′).get_interfaces()[0]
    s4_iface4 = s4.add_component(model=’NIC_Basic’, name=’s4p4′).get_interfaces()[0]

    # Connections
    s1h1 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s1h1′, interfaces=[s1_iface1, h1_iface0])
    s1s2 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s1s2′, interfaces=[s1_iface2, s2_iface1])
    s1s3 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s1s3′, interfaces=[s1_iface3, s3_iface1])
    s1s4 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s1s4′, interfaces=[s1_iface4, s4_iface1])

    s2h2 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s2h2′, interfaces=[s2_iface2, h2_iface0])
    s2s3 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s2s3′, interfaces=[s2_iface3, s3_iface2])
    s2s4 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s2s4′, interfaces=[s2_iface4, s4_iface2])

    s3h3 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s3h3′, interfaces=[s3_iface3, h3_iface0])
    s3s4 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s3s4′, interfaces=[s3_iface4, s4_iface3])

    s4h4 = slice.add_l2network(name=’s4h4′, interfaces=[s4_iface4, h4_iface0])

    # Add the nodes to the slice

    Thank you,


    Komal Thareja

      Hi Laura,

      Please check your slice on Portal. I can confirm all the resources requested by your slice are provisioned and are in Active State. I suspect /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/ssh_config is not setup correctly.

      Could you please check if you see any errors in /tmp/fablib/fablib.log ?

      Also, please try following steps:

      • Remove the file /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/ssh_config
      • Run the notebook jupter-examples-1.6.1/configure_and_validate.ipynb
      • Recreate your slice




      Good morning,

      I have done what you mentioned and everything is still the same.
      I tried to run the “Hello, Fabric” script and after 5 minutes the Slice was displayed with only 1 node.
      Tonight I tried to deploy the topology that you can see in the code of my previous message and it took more than 7 hours (Slice ID d5d25fc3-edba-45d8-b87e-d85c15063614).
      Are these times expected? It used to take much less time to deploy.

      Best regards,

      Komal Thareja

        Posting an update to close the loop.

        Had a quick Zoom meeting with Laura to resolve this. The issue seemed to be bastion keys, removing contents of fabric_config and re-running configure_and_validate.ipynb resolved the issue.

        @Laura – Please let us know if you run into any issues!



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