1. Slice provisioning error – CentOS stream

Slice provisioning error – CentOS stream

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Slice provisioning error – CentOS stream

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  • #4942
    Bruce Hartpence

      Error occurred when using either MASS or WASH

      failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: b2e4f07a-4af3-4c91-b676-1c2ac49dcec3 NoneType object has no attribute get#all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: b2e4f07a-4af3-4c91-b676-1c2ac49dcec3 NoneType object has no attribute get#

      Komal Thareja

        Hello Bruce,

        Thank you for reporting this issue. The default user for default_centos9_stream is cloud-user instead of centos Our configuration was incorrect and has been updated and the issue has been addressed. Please try a slice and let us know if you still observe any failures or errors.

        Also, please note the FABlib uses the default user for default_centos9_stream as centosAny execution of the commands via node.execute() should be pass in the username as cloud-user.

        node.execute(‘echo Hello, FABRIC from node hostname -s‘, username=”cloud-user”)

        We’ll address this in FABLib as well.

        Appreciate your feedback!



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