1. Timeout while creating slice

Timeout while creating slice

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  • #6207
    Nishanth Shyamkumar

      I am creating a slice that encompasses 8 sites, and when I submit the slice request it fails with a timeout exceeded exception. I am using the following command:

      pmslice.submit(progress=False, wait_timeout=2400, wait_interval=120)

      However, internally this method is calling self.wait() which is set to a default timeout of 360 seconds. The wait_timeout parameter in the submit method doesn’t seem to have the desired effect of increasing the timeout period. Is there a way that I can increase the timeout period for the wait() method?

      The error log:

      Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
      Cell In[6], line 111
          109 try:
          110     #print("dummy stub")
      --> 111     pmslice.submit(progress=False, wait_timeout=2400, wait_interval=120)
          112 except Exception as e:
      File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:2040, in Slice.submit(self, wait, wait_timeout, wait_interval, progress, wait_jupyter, post_boot_config, wait_ssh, extra_ssh_keys)
         2038 self.update()
      -> 2040 self.wait()
         2042 if wait_ssh:
      File /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:1518, in Slice.wait(self, timeout, interval, progress)
         1517 if time.time() >= timeout_start + timeout:
      -> 1518     raise Exception(
         1519         " Timeout exceeded ({} sec). Slice: {} ({})".format(
         1520             timeout, slice.name, slice.state
         1521         )
         1522     )
         1524 # Update the fim topology (wait to avoid get topology bug)
         1525 # time.sleep(interval)
      Exception:  Timeout exceeded (360 sec). Slice: Traffic Listening Slice (Configuring)
      Paul Ruth

        My first thought is that something in the slice is going to fail and increasing the timeout is not going to help.  I could be wrong but lets try a test with several of the submit tasks separated.

        Try something like the following. If you make each of these steps in a separate notebook cell you can re-run the wait calls as many times as necessary.  The slice.wait(progress=True) call may time out for you. Just re-run it as many times as you need.


        Let me know if this works.


        Nishanth Shyamkumar

          Thanks Paul, I looked into the source code for this and I saw that the ‘main’ branch actually includes a change that propagates the wait_timeout parameter to the self.wait() function call. However it’s available only on the ‘beyond bleeding’ while I was testing on the ‘bleeding’ framework.

          I am still sticking with the ‘bleeding’ framework as of now because the code is structured in such a way that if I set progress=True (which is the default), then the wait_timeout propagates to self.wait(). I was testing earlier with progress=False, since I didn’t want the overhead of GUI representation of the data, but I got to use it for now at least.

          I tested with progress=True and wait_timeout=2400 and it works for now. The slice submission takes between 1000 to 1500 seconds to complete, but it does succeed in the end.

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