1. Traffic traces from middle of the network

Traffic traces from middle of the network

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Traffic traces from middle of the network

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  • #7448
    Sahaya Jestus Lazer


      We are downloading data from the internet to a Fabric Virtual Machine (VM) and need to capture network traffic traces related to these downloads from the middle of the network (outside the VM). I have attached the topology diagram for your reference.

      Could you please guide us on how to perform this capture effectively?

      Thank you for your assistance.

      Sincerely, Jestus


        One possible idea:

        1. Create a FABNetv4Ext or FABNetv6Ext network.
        2. Insert IP routes so that the traffic to the Internet goes through FABNetv4Ext/FABNetv6Ext interface, instead of the management interface.
        3. Setup switchport mirroring.
        4. Capture the traffic on the mirror port.
        Komal Thareja

          Thank you, @yoursunny, for the excellent suggestion!


          In addition to @yoursunny’s point, the Project Lead for your project will need to request permissions to enable FabNetv*Ext services. You can find more details here.

          Additionally, we recommend avoiding the use of the management interface for data transfer and instead utilizing the FABNetv4Ext/FABNetv6Ext services. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or comments.


          Sahaya Jestus Lazer

            Thank you, yoursunny and Komal, for your responses. However, this is essentially like creating a proxy. Are there other options?

            Sincerely, Jestus


              Where’s the proxy?

              A switchport mirror is a network instrumentation technique. It doesn’t involve any proxy software.

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