1. two VMs on a new slice not connected to other nodes on dataplane

two VMs on a new slice not connected to other nodes on dataplane

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion two VMs on a new slice not connected to other nodes on dataplane

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  • #6834
    Mami Hayashida

      I created a slice a few hours ago with 17 nodes placed on different sites, but two of them (one placed on GATECH, another on SRI) are not connected to rest of the nodes via dataplane.

      Slice ID: 4e943e78-80ca-40d8-a3db-104641862374

      GATECH node ID: 86c6cf89-da02-44f4-84ee-4e9ca5ac7c33

      SRI node ID: 89f4efdc-af9f-45ff-a9bd-8725236bf1a9

      In both cases, interfaces are there and I can ping the gateway router, but not other nodes.

      Mert Cevik

        For SRI, we still have a problem : https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/forums/topic/dataplane-connectivity-problem-on-fabric-sri/

        GATECH dataplane is operational, but there is a problem with your specific VM’s connection.

        Mami Hayashida

          Thanks for checking on this. Is the GATECH issue fixable? Or will it be simpler to try creating another slice?

          Mert Cevik

            At this moment, it can be more straightforward to create a new one. Currently, we don’t have any known issues for GATECH’s dataplane. With a new slice, either a transient issue on your slice will be fixed or we will confirm there are issues that we are not aware of.

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