1. ubuntu18 image not found

ubuntu18 image not found

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion ubuntu18 image not found

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  • #7508
    Khawar Shehzad


      Im trying to create a slice with ubuntu 18 image which is throwing an error saying :

      failed lease update- all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: 799d5499-b9e9-4d44-b4eb-1a06703f61ea Playbook has failed tasks: Could not find image default_ubuntu_18#all units failed priming: Exception during create for unit: 799d5499-b9e9-4d44-b4eb-1a06703f61ea Playbook has failed tasks: Could not find image default_ubuntu_18#

      However when I list available images via “fablib.get_image_names()” I can see “default_ubuntu_18” as an available image.
      Code I’m using to create the slice is from example notebook in fablib version 1.7 examples

      slice_name = ‘MySlice1’

      #Create Slice
      slice = fablib.new_slice(slice_name)

      # Add node
      node = slice.add_node(name=’Node1′,

      #Submit Slice Request

      The same code works for “default_ubuntu_20″ however.

      Looking forward to hearing soon.

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Khawar,

        Ubuntu 18.04 LTS reached the end of its standard support on May 31, 2023, and is no longer available on FABRIC. Thank you for bringing the list of images to our attention. We will update it to reflect this change.



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