1. Unable to add nodes to slice

Unable to add nodes to slice

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Unable to add nodes to slice

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  • #6289
    Vaiden Logan
      Hussam Nasir

        Do you know what version of fablib you may be using ?

        Paul Ruth


          The following line from your example returns a list of site names. This is true even if it returns only one site in the list.

          site_5 = fablib.get_random_sites(count=1,filter_function=lambda x:x[‘ptp_capable’] is True, avoid=(avoid_sites))

          When you pass it to add_node in the following line, you are passing a list as the site argument. That argument need to be a string.

          node5 = slice_modified.add_node(name=node5_name, site=site_5, cores=16, ram=32, disk=75, image=’default_ubuntu_22′)


          Vaiden Logan


            Vaiden Logan

              Thanks Paul. That fixed it!

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