1. Unable to Pull repository from Github

Unable to Pull repository from Github

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Unable to Pull repository from Github

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  • #1755
    Xusheng Ai

      Hello ,

      I am trying to build NDN-tools on Fabric nodes which need resources from Github. However, when I run git clone command,  Fabric node shows the error that
      unable to access 'https://github.com/named-data/ndn-tools.git/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: No route to host .
      So I was wondering if I was missing any network settings for the nodes to get access to Github.


      Best Regards,

      Hussam Nasir

        If you VM is using an IPv6 address, which is the case with all FABRIC sites except MAX, then sites like github and dockerhub may not be accessible wince they are IPv4 only. A temporary solution is to use a NAT64 as mentioned on https://nat64.net/

        Xusheng Ai

          Thanks so much for your help. I am able to pull the file with nodes on MAX site.

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