1. Unable to run Jupyter Notebook from laptop

Unable to run Jupyter Notebook from laptop

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Unable to run Jupyter Notebook from laptop

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  • #7966
    Prateek Jain


      I am trying to run my jupyter notebook from my laptop but I keep getting the error shown in the attached file.

      I have generated a new token and updated the token on my local machine. I am not sure what am I doing wrong.


      Komal Thareja

        Hi Prateek,

        We recently published the steps to launch a local JH container from your desktop and laptop.

        Please consider giving this a try. Also, regarding your existing setup, could you please check fabric_rc is pointing to the correct token location where you have uploaded the newly generated token.

        Another thing to verify would be to generate the token via an incognito browser window to ensure any stale cookies.

        Please let me know if this helps or you still face issues!



        Prateek Jain

          Hi Komal,

          Thanks! I was able to use the docker to run Jupyter hub locally.

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