1. Username


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  • #1004
    Ilija Vukotic

      It appears my username is ivukotic_0000010844. Except being not very user-friendly, the only way I know how to find is to look through emails and slack messages. Shouldn’t this be shown in the profile page?


      Paul Ruth

        Agreed, the portal has a lot more features in development.   This is one of them.


        Ilya Baldin

          Ilija – as Paul indicated, the near term (like within a month, or two) plan is to introduce automatic bastion key rotation and extend the user-facing API so you can easily find out your username and get updated keys. This is in the works (we are integrating these capabilities as we speak). For now we are practicing a more manual approach to key and account management on bastion hosts that is compatible with the long-term architecture (which is what requires these usernames – as you can imagine, in FABRIC we cannot guarantee your regular username is unique). We ask for a bit of your patience, since we are officially not in operations yet.

          Ilija Vukotic

            Hi Paul, Ilya,

            thanks for the explanation. Great to see this will get streamlined.





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