1. What if institution is not in the list on the CI Logon page?

What if institution is not in the list on the CI Logon page?

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion What if institution is not in the list on the CI Logon page?

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    Fraida Fund

      Hi! What is the recommendation for users who are not a member of the institutions on the CI Login page?

      For example:

      • I have research collaborators who are at universities not listed there
      • I have research collaborators who are high school students and don’t have NYU credentials


      Paul Ruth

        We can use Google accounts too. However, institutional accounts are strongly preferred and we will only approve Google accounts in situations where an institutional account is not possible.

        If you have collaborators/students who need to use Google accounts, we need the project lead to provide a list of users/Google accounts that we should approve and we will approve them as they come in.

        One other possibility is if an institution is not listed on the CIlogon page but the institution uses Google as a email provider.  In this case, they can choose ‘Google’ from the dropdown and log in with their institutional ID.  We can approve these accounts without extra information because the account is still tied to the institution.


        Fraida Fund


          > If you have collaborators/students who need to use Google accounts, we need the project lead to provide a list of users/Google accounts that we should approve and we will approve them as they come in.

          What is the process you would prefer for this?  is there a support email we should send these emails to?

          Also: I have a collaborator who just tried to join, whose institution was not on the list, so I think she did it through NCSA since she had an NCSA account from previous GENI use. Do I need to do anything special to get her approved? (Not sure where NCSA shakes out in all this.)

          > One other possibility is if an institution is not listed on the CIlogon page but the institution uses Google as a email provider.

          Unrelated question: if someone

          1. first uses FABRIC with institution that is listed CIlogon page

          2. then tries to use FABRIC with Google with institutional email

          will this be one FABRIC account since it is tied to the same email, or two separate FABRIC accounts?

          Paul Ruth

            If the email addresses are different then there will be two accounts.  This would be the case if you used an NCSA account and then a non-NCSA Google/GSuite account.  I don’t think we can move an account to different identity provider.

            If email addresses are the same, it might merge the accounts.   This is the case if, for example, you used your NYU account and then tried to login with Google/GSuite using your NYU credentials.  That said, this will probably produce unpredictable results.  I would not recommend it.

            If you have a list of non-Incommon users, you should create a ticket here: https://fabric-testbed.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/group/8/create/18

            Ilya Baldin

              To add to what Paul said – the easiest way to open a support ticket for such a situation is to click on ‘Contact Us’ button in the Portal and follow the instructions there for reporting account problems – it will reach the same form.

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