1. Nicholas Bastin

Nicholas Bastin

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  • in reply to: FIM has too-restrictive requirements #3569
    Nicholas Bastin

      We’re only installing from pypi in this case, so the problem is in the dependency tree somewhere (possibly multiple places). One definite problem is that fabric-orchestrator-client 1.3.0 (which is pulled in as a hard version requirement by current fabric-testbed) itself has a hard requirement for fabric-fim==1.3.0, which means we don’t get the 1.4 version even though it exists.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2084
      Nicholas Bastin

        The portal builder is clickable to documentation, but you cannot follow those instructions, as I noted above, if you don’t already have at least one slice. Your new documentation does not work if you have never created a slice – even in your screenshots you have a slice, which is a requirement for the create slice button to appear and work.

        in reply to: Installing software in jupyter instance? #2078
        Nicholas Bastin

          Ignore this for me at least – we’ll just use our own jupyterlab since it doesn’t really matter where it is.

          in reply to: Can bastion keys not be encrypted? #2072
          Nicholas Bastin

            As I said in my original post, that only works for the slice key. There is a FABRIC_BASTION_KEY_PASSWORD defined in AbcFabLIB, but no one actually uses it, so it seems like you have to strip the bastion key to make post_boot_config work.

            in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2067
            Nicholas Bastin

              We use jupyter a lot, so I’m familiar with resetting the kernel and such.. 🙂

              That being said, it’s working now – I had to go to the hub control panel and manually kill my server. Possibly you have to wait some time period after logging out before logging back in to get it to refresh otherwise?

              in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2062
              Nicholas Bastin

                I actually did this – the commented out lines in the os.environ section of the notebook had the token location, so I changed mine to os.environ['FABRIC_TOKEN_LOCATION']=os.environ['HOME']+'/portal-tokens.json', but it’s pretty unhappy about this. Changing it back to .tokens.json doesn’t generate a new file either… I tried logging all the way out of both jhub and the portal, but it didn’t change anything.

                in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2060
                Nicholas Bastin

                  That may have been optimistic – it returned me a slice object and I can introspect it a very little bit, but the sm_slice attribute is None, so nothing works.

                  in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2059
                  Nicholas Bastin

                    I may have tried to hack around this in a bad way…I uploaded tokens that I generated from the portal. Things have changed, possibly not for the better – now I’m getting:

                    /opt/conda/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/resources.py in update(self)
                    424 """
                    --> 425 return_status, topology = fablib.get_slice_manager().resources()
                    426 if return_status != Status.OK:
                    427 raise Exception("Failed to get advertised_topology: {}, {}".format(return_status, topology))
                    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'resources'

                    It did however let me make a slice…

                    in reply to: Can’t make first slice using Portal interface #2057
                    Nicholas Bastin

                      So I tried that, now I’m getting:

                      SliceManagerException: (invalid_grant) invalid refresh token

                      I thought perhaps this was because apparently I’m not a member of projects I create by default, so I added myself as a member, but that didn’t make a difference (or at least, I’m not sure if it would – this might be something that has to sync up somehow, I have no idea…).

                      in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2047
                      Nicholas Bastin

                        It worked! Thanks for debugging this.

                        in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2046
                        Nicholas Bastin

                          Ok, I’m wagering the problem is that I always use an empty comment – this is a valid key, you really should handle it.. 🙂

                          I’ll give it a shot with something in the field.

                          in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2043
                          Nicholas Bastin

                            For what it’s worth, I’m getting a 500, so the CORS problem might not be the root cause (new firefox adds the status code):

                            Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://uis.fabric-testbed.net/sshkey/bastion?public_openssh=ssh-rsa%20AAAAB...DeW3Pv%2BBv2PBgP%2Flptd4Q4Hx9RiXsGQshwfbWsdDbxOqP%2Bpj4xyc%3D&description=bastion. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 500.

                            in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2042
                            Nicholas Bastin

                              I have zero extensions, plain vanilla firefox.

                              I tried setting network.notify.change to false as one of the recommendations from SE, and also tried forcing HTTPS-only mode, and neither of those made any difference.

                              in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2040
                              Nicholas Bastin

                                Is there a fabric API endpoint I can use to set my ssh keys? 🙂

                                in reply to: CORS error adding SSH public key to account #2038
                                Nicholas Bastin

                                  I’m using alpine, although I tried an ubuntu VM and that had the same issue. I’m just using the straight .tar.bz2 from mozilla so it should be basically the same everywhere (I do run with –no-remote, but that shouldn’t change anything here). I set up a clean network path to the internet with no proxies or transparent NFs, and that didn’t fix anything either.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)