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Ciena technology to underpin terabit-speed connectivity at SC24

This article was originally published on Ciena.

Ciena announced that its optical and routing and switching innovations will once again support the SCinet network at SC24, taking place November 17–22 at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC). Constructed specifically for the annual SC conference by a team of industry, academia, and government experts, SCinet is a testbed and demonstration network that will provide a massive 8.71Tb/s of bandwidth from the GWCC to R&E networks across the globe, allowing the SC community to engage in data-intensive research, experiments, and demonstrations. Additionally, Ciena will feature demos of its scalable and sustainable solutions for scientific research and discovery networks in Booth #1940.

Ciena’s SC24 Highlights:

  • SCinet Connectivity: Ciena will power 400GE circuits between Chicago’s StarLight International/National Communications Exchange Facility and the GWCC using WaveLogic 5 Extreme modems over Internet2 spectrum. Ciena will also provide 400GE circuits between the GWCC and the Joint Big Data Testbed in McLean, Virginia, using the 8190 coherent aggregation router and WaveLogic 5 Nano coherent pluggable transceivers over ESnet spectrum (1,300km route). In addition, Ciena’s 6500 Reconfigurable Line System (RLS) will extend the Internet2 photonic backbone into the GWCC, while its 8110 coherent aggregation router will extend the NSF-funded FABRIC testbed to the show floor.
  • Ciena Booth #1940: Ciena will highlight its latest innovations, including WaveLogic 6 Extreme and WaveLogic 6 Nano coherent pluggable optics. The Company will perform collaborative research demonstrations with the University of Amsterdam, showcasing federated learning (FL) and microservice applications for AI-driven engine failure detection in the aviation industry, as well as in-network machine learning.
  • Traveling FABRIC Node (tfNode): Ciena’s mobile tfNode will be featured as part of the SCinet network and hosted in booth #1940. The tfNode provides high-speed connectivity, capable of multiple x400Gb/s, making it possible for researchers and experimenters to conduct large-scale projects in fields such as distributed computing, storage, VR, AI, and machine learning.
Updated on December 12, 2024

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