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ERN Architecture and Federation Virtual Workshop

Date: December 4, 2020

Location: Virtual

Event Websitehttps://www.ernrp.org/event/save-the-date-ern-architecture-and-federation-virtual-workshop/

The vision of the federated collaboratories will require the development of many layers of abstractions ranging from hardware, networking, federation architecture, scientific workflows, and domain-specific models and tools to enable collaborative discovery. The ERN Architecture and Federation workshop will present on key topics of interest to the ERN community to generate a discussion and gather information on what the “federated collaboratory” might look like from both a hardware and software perspective as well as what federation should look like as we strive for a seamless collaborative sharing experience. Jim Griffioen presented FABRIC: Advanced Network Support for Research and Collaboration.

Updated on March 11, 2024

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KNIT10 Call for Demos Now Open! Submit your demo by **February 24**. [>>>Submit Demo](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRIWqHliNP3DFWBCnalYN_fBXJXVM0PpP9YWWJdSebC95TvA/viewform)