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KNIT 9: A FABRIC Community Workshop

Date: September 24, 2024

Location: Kansas City, MO


Presenter: Anita Nikolich, Paul Ruth, KC Wang, Tom Lehman, Jim Griffioen

KNIT 9, the next FABRIC Community Workshop, will take place September 24, 2024 in Kansas City, MO, and will be co-located with the MERIF Workshop. The workshop will include small-group, hands-on FABRIC tutorial sessions and advanced training topics. During the event, experimenters across multiple science domains will highlight their use of FABRIC to push forward compelling experiments. The FABRIC team will set the stage for the future of FABRIC and solicit feedback from fellow participants during talks and open mic sessions.

Registration is now open here.

Call for Lightning Talks

KNIT9 attendees have the opportunity to present lightning talks on the following topics:

  1. Enabling experimentation in various science domains
  2. Getting started with FABRIC – Unique features, useful tricks, sharable services
  3. Experiments across FABRIC and other testbeds
  4. Propose a compelling new topic

These talks should show active FABRIC experiment views and results. For planned experiments, we encourage presenting planned topology and resources (FABRIC and other) as specific as possible.

Submissions are due July 15 via our submission form.

Travel Stipend

Travel grant applications will be evaluated on there ability to increase the diversity of the KNIT conference through …

  1. A wide range of institutions and organizations,
  2. Providing opportunities for attendees to contribute ideas, share expertise, and receive training, and
  3. The applicants ability to stimulate successful FABRIC experiments that can lead to important scientific impacts in a diverse range of science domains.

Important Note: In order to receive travel grant reimbursements, you are required to serve as an active note taker during the FABRIC KNIT Workshop sessions and fill out a feedback survey provided after the workshop. Should you be awarded, you will be given additional instructions for your note taking assignment.

Applications are due July 1 via our application form.

Updated on July 1, 2024

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