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Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace 2024 Principal Investigators’ Meeting

Date: September 4, 2024

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Event Websitehttps://engineering.cmu.edu/satc-pimtg24/index.html

Presenter: Yixin Sun

The NSF SaTC PI Meeting is a biennial forum of the SaTC research community with leading experts from academia, industry, and Federal agencies, who will come together to discuss game changing challenges resulting from the global adoption of cyberspace. FABRIC user Yixin Sun will present the tutorial “Bootstrap Cybersecurity Research with FABRIC” on September 4 at 4:45 PM ET. The tutorial will provide an overview of the FABRIC testbed, a research infrastructure to enable at-scale experiments on networking that intersects with interdisciplinary fields including cybersecurity.

Updated on September 12, 2024

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