1. Persist JupyterLab settings

Persist JupyterLab settings

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Persist JupyterLab settings

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  • #7062
    Sunjay Cauligi

      Is there a way to have settings persist between server sessions? It looks like user settings get saved in ~/.jupyter/lab/user-settings, but it appears that anything outside of ~/work gets blown away when you start a new server.

      Komal Thareja

        Hi Sunjay,

        As you correctly pointed, only the contents of the work directory persist across container restarts. I would recommend setting up your local Jupyter Environment for any customized experience as indicated here: https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/knowledge-base/install-the-python-api/#install-jupyter-in-the-virtual-environment

        We are working on providing a containerized access to Jupyter as well where users can launch the container on their desktop/laptop and use that. This should be available soon and would enable user environment customization.



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