1. Any problems with SSH connectivity?

Any problems with SSH connectivity?

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Any problems with SSH connectivity?

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  • #5003
    Bruce Hartpence

      I am suddenly unable to login into VMs and am getting the following error:

      ubuntu@ Permission denied (publickey).

      I have tried on a couple of VMs and reran the configure scripts. I can provide the verbose messaging from SSH but it is a bit wordy.

      Mert Cevik

        Hello Bruce,

        Inside this VM (, an ssh public key identified as “fabric@localhost” is present under user account ubuntu.
        VM is accessible with SSH from public internet. With the right ssh key and ssh client configurations as described on https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/knowledge-base/logging-into-fabric-vms/ you should be able to login to the VM.

        On the other hand, as you mention you are suddenly unable to login to the VMs, it could be a related to a change with the SSH key inside the VM. Can you confirm the ssh key that I mentioned above is the one that’s supposed to be present in the VM?

        Bruce Hartpence

          Hi Mert – I’m not sure I follow you. I have the bastion and slice keys but I do not think I have access to or control of the VM key you mentioned.

          This is a very recent problem as I have been playing with the VMs for a couple of weeks although I am not ruling out an error between the keyboard and the chair.

          Bruce Hartpence

            Not sure if it’s related but I am getting other errors too. When running

            #L3 fabnet auto
            from ipaddress import ip_address, IPv4Address, IPv6Address, IPv4Network, IPv6Network
            import ipaddress

            from fabrictestbed_extensions.fablib.fablib import FablibManager as fablib_manager
            fablib = fablib_manager()

            I get the following error:

            SliceManagerException: b'{\n “errors”: [\n {\n “details”: “error: Core API error occurred status_code: 404 message: b\'{\\\\n \\”errors\\”: [\\\\n {\\\\n \\”details\\”: \\”No match for Project with uuid = \\\\\’b55cc265-97af-4597-8c2f-c38b0618d3e\\\\\’\\”,\\\\n \\”message\\”: \\”Not Found\\”\\\\n }\\\\n ],\\\\n \\”size\\”: 1,\\\\n \\”status\\”: 404,\\\\n \\”type\\”: \\”error\\”\\\\n}\’, refresh_token: NB2HI4DTHIXS6Y3JNRXWO33OFZXXEZZPN5QXK5DIGIXTINJXGAYGEMLCG42WGZTFMU4DEODGMY2GCYRXGAZTEOBSGQ4GINB7OR4XAZJ5OJSWM4TFONUFI33LMVXCM5DTHUYTMOJSGAZTONZZG42DCNRGOZSXE43JN5XD25RSFYYCM3DJMZSXI2LNMU6TQNRUGAYDAMBQ”,\n “message”: “Internal Server Error”\n }\n ],\n “size”: 1,\n “status”: 500,\n “type”: “error”\n}’

            Komal Thareja

              @Bruce – It looks like Fablib was unable to refresh your token. Could you please Restart your JH container and try again?
              You can stop your container via File -> Hub Control Panel -> Stop My Server; logout and login again.


              Komal Thareja

                Also, please check that the correct Project Id is passed in your configure environment notebook.

                Komal Thareja

                  Regarding SSH problem, if the Configure Environment Notebook was ran again assuming the same file name was used for the sliver keys, the sliver private/public keys got overwritten. So the SSH keys in ~/work/fabric_config/ are now different than what is in the VM and thus resulting in SSH failures.

                  You can verify by ls -ltr ~/work/fabric_config


                  Bruce Hartpence

                    OK, I’ll rerun stuff and check for the above. Thanks all – I’ll let you know how it goes.

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