1. Communication between nodes on same site

Communication between nodes on same site

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Communication between nodes on same site

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    Ahmad Nazar

      Hello, I have setup an experiment to carry out a class room demonstration of a denial of service attack. The network topology is as follows and each VM is running Ubuntu 20 and each VM has a sharedNIC. The bridge is an L2bridge. I am trying to communicate between the two nodes but they are not connected to each other. I try pinging the IP address of one node from another and all the packets are dropped. How can I solve this issue? I am new to this and trying to transition to FABRIC from GENI where the rspec for my experiment is ready. Is there a way where I can convert my rspec into a FABRIC native object?


        Management IP cannot communicate with each other, to prevent abuse.

        You should create FABNetv4 or FABNetv6 network service in each slice. They can all communicate with each other, regardless of whether the slides are on the same or different sites.

        Ilya Baldin


          As @yoursunny noted please make sure you aren’t actually using the management IP address to communicate between VM slivers as that is discouraged and most of the time not possible.

          It is not clear to me if you are using a jupyter notebook or building a slice from the UI (we strongly encourage new users and educators to use notebooks). Please try the ‘Local Ethernet (Layer 2): Create a private local Ethernet network on a FABRIC site (manual)’ notebook (you can find it from start_here notebook under ‘Networking’ section). If it doesn’t work please report which site you are using.

          Also please make sure


            Is there a way where I can convert my rspec into a FABRIC native object?

            This would make a nice hackathon project. It should be feasible to make a converter that covers the topology, links, IP assignments, and startup scripts.

            It’s even better if FABRIC platform can directly accept Request RSpec and return Manifest RSpec, so that existing tooling for Emulab can still work.

            Ilya Baldin

              Such a converter would only work on the simplest cases (i.e. nodes connected by network services). FABRIC has a wide variety of dynamically attachable hardware (GPUs, Network Cards, NVMe drives, FPGA), whereas most other testbeds deal in ‘flavors’ of servers that have particular static arrangements of components.

              We are pursuing a path of providing notebooks that show how to drive different testbeds via their APIs, rather than the declarative testbed-specific topology representations. RSpec describes only the experiment topology and some experiment configuration and does nothing for the experiment workflow, whereas notebooks that drive APIs do all of three  of these things. There is already a notebook example of how to drive Chameleon and FABRIC together. We have an example for CloudLab + FABRIC API example as well that hasn’t been published yet. CloudLab also has a Python API now.

              Bruce Hartpence

                I don’t know if this helps or not but I have nodes on both L3 and L2 networks and the sample notebooks have been very helpful. The potential “gotcha” is that networks have to be defined, interfaces on those internal links must be given an IP address and be brought up before they can PING.

                IP assignment can be done manually or by the addresses available on that network.

                Ahmad Nazar


                  As @yoursunny noted please make sure you aren’t actually using the management IP address to communicate between VM slivers as that is discouraged and most of the time not possible.

                  It is not clear to me if you are using a jupyter notebook or building a slice from the UI (we strongly encourage new users and educators to use notebooks). Please try the ‘Local Ethernet (Layer 2): Create a private local Ethernet network on a FABRIC site (manual)’ notebook (you can find it from start_here notebook under ‘Networking’ section). If it doesn’t work please report which site you are using.

                  Also please make sure

                  I have tried using both. The setup I have was made using the GUI. I attempted the Jupyter Notebook multiple times however I stumble upon an error on initialization saying ”

                  SliceManagerException: b'{\n    "errors": [\n        {\n            "details": "error: Core API error occurred status_code: 404 message: b\'{\\\\n  \\"errors\\": [\\\\n    {\\\\n      \\"details\\": \\"No match for Project with uuid = \\\\\'<891aa44a-ef12-4c72-b45d-6017b4f00e92>\\\\\'\\",\\\\n      \\"message\\": \\"Not Found\\"\\\\n

                  which is strange because I have tried multiple ways of ensuring the Project ID is correct, and it can initialize in the GUI and the project for sure exists, any ideas?

                  Ilya Baldin

                    Your environment does not appear to be set up. Please be sure to run ‘Configure your environment’ as well as ‘Hello FABRIC!’ tutorials first. Until those succeed other tutorials will not work.

                    In general please be sure you are familiar with the articles in this documentation section:

                    Ahmad Nazar

                      Hello, I ran the configure.ipynb and it was successful as I have all the files in the correct locations and the keys and the project ID, I am trying to work with the Hello FABRIC! tutorial however it is not allowing me to initialize the slice as mentioned above. Hence the attached error.

                      Ilya Baldin

                        It appears you copied extra characters ‘<‘ and ‘>’ together with your project ID. The Project ID field actually has a useful copy-to-clipboard button to help avoid mistakes like this.

                        Ahmad Nazar

                          I made sure the config file did not have those <> characters and the fabric_rc does not have them

                          Ilya Baldin

                            The error message shows that they are there. I suggest restarting your container to be sure you do not have some cruft.

                            File->Hub Control Panel->Stop container -> wait … -> Start container

                            Bruce Hartpence

                              I just learned a new word and now I am wondering about the etymology of “cruft” 🙂

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                            FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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