1. Containerizing Fabric Python API

Containerizing Fabric Python API

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  • #1103

      I have been working on containerizing the steps found in Install the FABRIC Python API and am stuck on how to procure the CILOGON_REFRESH_TOKEN. I have poked around the following to no avail:

      One I get that piece things are pretty much done. For those who are curious see adamhgriffith-uofu/fabrictestbed-jupyter-examples on GitHub.

      Paul Ruth

        You can get the token from the portal link that you posted.  All you need to do is to click create token then download it.  You issue may have been caused by the RENCI power outage the other day.  During the power outage tokens could not be created.

        Does it work for you today?


          Hi Paul,

          Unfortunately it does not. I’ll ping Mina and see if he can make it through /jupyter-examples/fabric_examples/complex_recipes/kubernetes-simple.ipynb.



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