1. CORS error adding SSH public key to account

CORS error adding SSH public key to account

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion CORS error adding SSH public key to account

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  • #2028
    Nicholas Bastin

      When I try to add an SSH public key through the Manage SSH Keys UI, it doesn’t appear to do anything when I click the “Upload Public Key” button, and there is a CORS error in the Firefox (91.9.1esr) console:

      Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://uis.fabric-testbed.net/sshkey/sliver?public_openssh=ssh-rsa%20AAAAB3...bZc%3D&description=Sliver%20key. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing).

      (Base64 trimmed for readability)

      Yaxue Guo

        Hi Nicholas,

        I just tried the “Upload Public Key” function from production portal in Firefox and it works as expected without any CORS error. I will contact our backend service team and double-check the CORS config for UIS API services. And will also improve the portal UI to provide more detailed status by toast messages.

        Could you please use the “Generate SSH Key Pair” function instead for now? Thanks for providing your feedback!


        Ilya Baldin


          What OS are you using? Firefox 101 on MacOS seems to work without issues for me.

          Nicholas Bastin

            What version of Firefox are you using? I set the base security policy to Standard and even added Enhanced Tracking Protection exceptions for portal.fabric-testbed.net and uis.fabric-testbed.net, and still I get this error.

            Nicholas Bastin

              I’m using ESR on Linux. I can try to grab the latest non-ESR and see if that works.

              Nicholas Bastin

                I’m getting the same problem in 101.0.

                Ilya Baldin

                  We need to try this on Linux I think. What distro are you using – I think we may need to spin up a VM with a similar environment.

                  Nicholas Bastin

                    I’m using alpine, although I tried an ubuntu VM and that had the same issue. I’m just using the straight .tar.bz2 from mozilla so it should be basically the same everywhere (I do run with –no-remote, but that shouldn’t change anything here). I set up a clean network path to the internet with no proxies or transparent NFs, and that didn’t fix anything either.

                    Yaxue Guo

                      I think it may be the issue of browser, not OS.

                      Hi Nick, are you using any plugin/ extension in your Firefox browser? If so can you disable them and try again?

                      By the way, I found a similar question from StackOverflow with multiple possible answers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24371734/firefox-cross-origin-request-blocked-despite-headers

                      Nicholas Bastin

                        Is there a fabric API endpoint I can use to set my ssh keys? 🙂

                        Ilya Baldin

                          Of course there is, but indulge us for a minute  – let’s see if we can figure this out. If you are having this problem, someone else might at some point.

                          The service runs of https://uis.fabric-testbed.net/ui/

                          Nicholas Bastin

                            I have zero extensions, plain vanilla firefox.

                            I tried setting network.notify.change to false as one of the recommendations from SE, and also tried forcing HTTPS-only mode, and neither of those made any difference.

                            Nicholas Bastin

                              For what it’s worth, I’m getting a 500, so the CORS problem might not be the root cause (new firefox adds the status code):

                              Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://uis.fabric-testbed.net/sshkey/bastion?public_openssh=ssh-rsa%20AAAAB...DeW3Pv%2BBv2PBgP%2Flptd4Q4Hx9RiXsGQshwfbWsdDbxOqP%2Bpj4xyc%3D&description=bastion. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 500.

                              Ilya Baldin

                                Nick, I believe your key format is wrong. I need to check why you are not getting an appropriate error message. Please use a format described in this article:

                                Logging into FABRIC VMs


                                Nicholas Bastin

                                  Ok, I’m wagering the problem is that I always use an empty comment – this is a valid key, you really should handle it.. 🙂

                                  I’ll give it a shot with something in the field.

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