1. Create a slice error in Routing with IPv4

Create a slice error in Routing with IPv4

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Create a slice error in Routing with IPv4

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  • #5638

    Hello, I am getting an error when trying to create a slice for the jupytur example of Routing with IPv4. Thes slice is created, but it gives me an error halfway through the configuration process. This is the error I receive:

    /opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/fabrictestbed_extensions/fablib/slice.py:203: FutureWarning: Styler.applymap has been deprecated. Use Styler.map instead.
    Ilya Baldin

      You can safely ignore this – it is not an error, but a FutureWarning – we will update our code to avoid it in the future.

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