1. ‘FablibManager’ object has no attribute ‘project_id’

‘FablibManager’ object has no attribute ‘project_id’

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion ‘FablibManager’ object has no attribute ‘project_id’

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    Xusheng Ai


      I am using the fabric-extension 1.3.1 version, but I’m having issue with fablib_manager(). The error information is shown as 'FablibManager' object has no attribute 'project_id'. I have tried fabric-extension 1.3.0 which works fine. So I was wondering if I missed any settings with the updated version.

      Best Regards,

      Ilya Baldin

        Xusheng, to my knowledge there is no fabric-extension version 1.3.1 available. The latest we release 3 weeks ago was 1.3.0:



        Ilya Baldin

          The Jupyter Hub came with jupyter-examples v 1.3.1 but this version is not related to fabrictestbed-extensions. The versioning of the notebooks is somewhat independent of the underlying libraries.

          Komal Thareja

            Hello Xusheng,

            This error is typically observed when either FABRIC_PROJECT_ID environment variable is not set or an explicit parameter project_id is not passed when creating instance of FablibMananger.

            Could you please verify and try again and share the snapshot of the error observed?


            Xusheng Ai

              @Ilya Thanks for the reply. I thought the fabric_example 1.3.1 meaning there was an updated FABlib library. Sorry for the confusion.
              @Komal Yes, actually I worked on create a slice this afternoon. One issue I did come across is that even though I ran the configure_environment notebook and set the bastion_key_filename to be /home/fabric/work/my_key, bastion_key_filename is still /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/fabric_bastion_key. I am able to create a slice after I put my key under the fabric_config folder. Thanks for the help!

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