1. get_device_name returns None

get_device_name returns None

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion get_device_name returns None

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  • #7117
    Fraida Fund

      Hi, I occasionally find that calls to get_device_name returns None even when list_interfaces shows the device name.

      For example, see attached.

      I thought maybe it could be a caching issue, so I called get_slice as mentioned here, but it didn’t help.


      That could be a fablib bug, but I am not sure.  Any idea on how this could be reproduced would be very helpful.

      Komal Thareja

        Good morning Fraida,

        I’ve pushed a fix to address this issue. Could you please try again using the Beyond Bleeding Edge container on JH and let us know if the problem persists? Your help is greatly appreciated!



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