1. JupyterHub: 403 : Forbidden Access not allowed

JupyterHub: 403 : Forbidden Access not allowed

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion JupyterHub: 403 : Forbidden Access not allowed

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      I have a team member that has logged in and I have added him to the project Service-X_Practice.  However, he cannot access the JupyterHub resource.  He receives the following error:

      403 : Forbidden
      Access not allowed

      Is there anything else that needs to happen for him to have access to the JupyterHub resource?

      User: Muhammad Akhdhor




      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Paul Ruth.
      • This topic was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Paul Ruth.
      Paul Ruth

        I added JupyterHub access to his account. Please try again.




          Thanks.  I had Muhammad try again.  He is still seeing the same error.

          He tried from a completely different browser.


          Paul Ruth

            Can you try again but make sure that all cookies related to FABRIC and CIlogon are deleted first? There may be some weird state related to the previous attempts. I know you said he tried with a different browser but I just want to make sure he never tried with the new browser before.

            JOSEPH BREEN


              No joy.  Muhammad cleared all browser caches and repeated his efforts with the same result.

              Paul Ruth

                Ok, have him try one more time. I fixed another attribute on the backend.

                JOSEPH BREEN


                  Still no joy for Muhammad.  We may need to schedule an interactive session with you to test more

                  Jason Stidd just signed up today and also ran into the same issue.


                  Paul Ruth

                    I just approved Jason. His account was still pending but should work how. I need to check on Muhammad’s account.


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                  FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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                  FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

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