1. Potential fix on certain bash command in notebook

Potential fix on certain bash command in notebook

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Potential fix on certain bash command in notebook

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  • #3415
    Paul Ruth

      Yingqiang, Can you post the contents of your fabric_rc file and your ssh_config file? Then post exactly what your command line looks like ant he error that is returned?

      Paul Ruth

        @Don – I think I stumbled upon the problem you were having with missing subnets/gateways on your fabnet networks. I think the issue is that you have fabrictested ==1.3.2 but fabrictestved-extensions only works with fabrictestbed=1.3.1.

        We are planning a release but are holding off until after the semester is over so that we don’t interfere with educational uses cases. Somehow fabrictested ==1.3.2.became the default in pypi. So, if you manually installed the both, you may have “upgraded” to fabrictested ==1.3.2.

        Try reverting to fabrictested ==1.3.1 and see if this helps.

        (let me know if it works or not)

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