1. Token expired and cannot generate new token on Fabric CM

Token expired and cannot generate new token on Fabric CM

Home Forums FABRIC General Questions and Discussion Token expired and cannot generate new token on Fabric CM

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  • #3500

      Hi everyone,


      I am facing the problem of token expiration when using Fabric APIs on Jupyter Hub and unable to generate the new token.

      Specifically, here is the error when I try to call a Fabirc API


      I tried to follow the link in https://learn.fabric-testbed.net/knowledge-base/obtaining-and-using-fabric-api-tokens/ to generate a new token. However, when I access to Fabric CM (after log in), it shows a blank page as follows.

      I clicked to log in multiple times and it is still the same (tried with Safari/Chrome). Is there any way to fix this issue?


      Thanks a lot.


        I faced the same issue today.
        I found this method effective:

        1. File – Hub Control Panel
        2. Stop My Server
        3. Logout
        4. Login again



          Thank you so much! it works for me!


          Ilya Baldin

            Thank you @yoursunny – this is the recommended way. W.r.t. cm.fabric-testbed.net @thoang – you should see a ‘Login’ button in upper right when you visit cm.fabric-testbed.net – so in order to interact with it you need to login first.


              Thanks Ilya! Actually I did click to the login button and used my credential, but it always navigated me back to the blank page as the photo above. I tried multiple times. I guess there is a problem with the interface.

              Ilya Baldin

                If this continues, please use the ‘Contact Us’ button on the portal and then file a ticket as an ‘Account Problem’ (there is a link there).

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