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  4. Building a Xilinx Licensed Toolchain

Building a Xilinx Licensed Toolchain

This article describes how to set up your own server or VM outside of FABRIC with Xilinx Vivado toolchain specifically for P4 workflows although a similar workflow may work if you are using VHDL.

This workflow requires multiple Xilinx IP licenses. The specific set of licenses discussed here is sufficient for the P4 workflows, if your workflow and required IP cores are different, you may need different/additional licenses.

You must sign up with XUP (AMD/Xilinx University Partner program) to request your own licenses listed here.

We do our best to keep this documentation current, however this is meant purely as an advisory document. Please refer to the most recent Xilinx instructions or request help on AMD/Xilinx user forums if encountering installation problems.

Provision a server or VM and perform a basic Vivado install

  • Create a VM (or use a bare-metal server) with at least 8 cores/64G RAM/500G disk. You can use Ubuntu 20.04 or Ubuntu 22.04 image. The Vivado tools are 50-70 GB each, so much disk space is needed. Also some stages of the compile process can take advantage of multiple cores to speed up the process.

A desktop environment is required since the Vivado tool is interactive. For remote execution the process below assumes you will use X11-over-SSH tunneling, however you can also install a VNC server to create a remote desktop environment (outside the scope of this document).

  • You can use the following script to install the needed dependencies (or execute steps by hand):

# user and group you will be executing as

# perform updates and install Vivado dependencies
apt-get update
apt-get install -y xserver-xorg-core --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests
apt-get install -y libxrender1: libxtst6 libxi6 xfonts-base xfonts-100dpi font-manager libncurses5 libtinfo5 libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev python3-yaml python3-jinja2 python3-click python-is-python3 python3-pip zip tree
apt-get remove -y docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc
apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release rsync

# the following section installs Docker and may be optional for some workflows
mkdir -m 0755 -p /etc/apt/keyrings
curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
  $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
usermod -a -G docker ${usr}

# create a location where Xilinx tools will be installed and make sure your user has access to it
mkdir -p /opt/Xilinx
chown ${usr}:${grp} /opt/Xilinx
  • Download the Vivado tool as SFD (Single File Download) and also any appropriate update packages to the new host and untar them individually
    • When logging into the host over SSH be sure to use the -Y option to enable X11-over-SSH tunneling (if using a VNC client or working directly from the desktop this is not necessary)
  • Run export VitisNetP4_Option_VISIBLE=true in the shell so P4 option is shown in the installer (see Vitis Networking P4 Secure site).
  • Run xsetup in the directory created when you untarred the tool packages (e.g. Xilinx_Unified_2022.1_0420_0327)

VM cloud-based Ubuntu images don’t have proper locale settings and Vivado installer fails. To avoid that run the following steps:
$ sudo apt-get install -y locales
$ sudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8
$ sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Normally /opt/Xilinx should be created by the post boot script, but in case it fails:
$ sudo mkdir /opt/Xilinx
$ sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /opt/Xilinx

if logging in as user ubuntu, otherwise substitute appropriate user name above.

  • Select Vivado ML Enterprise and agree to the terms(be sure to select the P4 option). Select /opt/Xilinx as the installation location. Wait for installer to complete.
  • Perform the same steps (execute xsetup) for any update packages you untarred. Use /opt/Xilinx as the installation location.

Obtaining IP licenses for Xilinx products

Vivado requires multiple IP licenses to compile P4 into bitfiles. These can be either node-locked or served by a license manager like flexlm. Here we describe how to work with node-locked licenses, flexlm setup is outside the scope of this document.

  • After you create an AMD account and join XUP you can visit the licensing site:
  • To work with P4 you need to request a donation ‘P4 networking’ license (through the Donation Program page), and make sure ‘LogiCORE, BCAM, STCAM, TCAM’ is also included (see below). The licenses will be installed in the licensing site for you once the request is approved. Typically they are granted for 12 months and need to be renewed after that by contacting XUP program.
  • You also need a free (no need to request, this is DIY) Ultrascale+ (the plus is important) CMAC 100G license. To get it visit this page, then click on ‘Get License.’ This will take you to the licensing portal and at the bottom of available licenses you will see the ‘Ultrascale+ Integrated 100G Ethernet No Charge License’.
    • Note that this license tends to ‘fall out’ and may need to be re-added if you are e.g. regenerating your node licenses.
  • Once all IP licenses are visible in the licensing site (you may need to scroll through them to see all; in the pictures below licenses not relevant to the process are blacked out):

You are ready to proceed to install the licenses on your new host.

Generating node-locked licenses

  • License manager UI can be invoked directly from command line as vlm assuming you’ve executed the settings script (path is version dependent, example is: . /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.1/settings64.sh) and is located in corresponding Vivado /bin directory (e.g./opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2022.1/bin/vlm). It should be on your $PATH if you’ve sourced the settings script correctly. vlm can produce identification information (for node-locked licenses its the first MAC address) for a host helpful in generating node-locked host licenses.
  • Run vlm to figure out host name and MAC addresses, then use the licensing website to generate a node-locked license for:
    • Vitis P4 Networking
    • LogiCore BCAM, STCAM
    • Ultrascale+ 100G Ethernet CMAC
  • Once the process is completed, licenses are automatically emailed to your registered email address as a file Xilinx.lic
  • Install the file under ~/.Xilinx/ if it exists (you can just start vivado once to create it) and then check the status of the license in vlm (may need to click ‘Refresh’) to see it (below see vlm UI)

At this point the setup of the host should be complete. You can run vivado tool UI to start your design or use the ESnet or NEU P4 workflows to compile your P4 into bitfiles from command line.

Updated on October 30, 2023

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