1. Komal Thareja

Komal Thareja

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  • in reply to: error when setting up a slice #6424
    Komal Thareja

      Could you please check /tmp/fablib/fablib.log for any errors? Also could you please check if you are able to SSH to the VMs in your slice from command line?

      Also, please share your notebook if possible to help us recreate this in our environment.



      in reply to: error when setting up a slice #6421
      Komal Thareja

        This typically happens, when your SSH keys are not setup properly. By default, fablib executes some default post boot config tasks to configure IP addresses if the notebook setup for auto config is used.

        Could you please check if your bastion keys are not expired and sliver keys are setup correctly?

        Validation of keys and configuration can also be done via configure_and_validate.ipynb notebook available under jupyter-examples-*directory. This notebook was added recently and should be available under jupyter-examples-main or jupyter-examples-1.6.1

        Please let us know if the issue persists.



        in reply to: apache web server example networking problem #6410
        Komal Thareja

          @Acheme – Thank you for providing the solution for this issue. Appreciate it!


          I also wanted to add that Apache Web Server notebook was a bit outdated and not inline with latest Fablib API. I have updated the notebook so that it uses latest Fablib APIs which take care of the networking as well and does not rely on user explicitly configuring IP addresses.

          If needed, please try the latest version of the notebook from Github: https://github.com/fabric-testbed/jupyter-examples/blob/main/fabric_examples/complex_recipes/apache_web_server/apache_web_server.ipynb




          in reply to: Issue creating a slice at TACC #6408
          Komal Thareja

            Should be resolved now. I just tried a slice and it worked.



            in reply to: Issue creating a slice at TACC #6407
            Komal Thareja

              Hi Acheme,


              We are noticing intermittent connectivity issues with TACC switch, resulting in the Network Services failing to provision. That’s resulting the Network being set to None. We are working to resolve this issue and will keep you posted.




              in reply to: Issue creating a slice at TACC #6400
              Komal Thareja

                Hi Acheme,

                Thank you for reporting this issue. TACC worker tacc-w1 where VMs were spawned had issues. We have recovered the worker and provisioning should work now.



                in reply to: exception error when reserving resources for a slice #6393
                Komal Thareja

                  Yes either of the following should work.

                  Spring 2024 container –fabrictestbed-extensions==1.6.0 or

                  Fall 2023 container – fabrictestbed-extensions==1.5.6



                  in reply to: exception error when reserving resources for a slice #6389
                  Komal Thareja

                    Hi Nirmala,

                    Which JH container are you using? This error typically happens due to a version mismatch for Fablib. Please see below:

                    Fablib – if you are still using Release 1.5, please update fablib using the command:

                    pip install fabrictestbed-extensions==1.5.6

                    Also, if you face issues running notebooks on JH, please ensure there are no entries for fabrictestbed-extensions  in fabric_config/requirements.txt. If you have any entries there, Please remove them and restart your JH container.



                    in reply to: Maintenance on Network AM – 01/22/2024 (3:00pm-4:00pm EST) #6384
                    Komal Thareja

                      Network model has been updated and maintenance is complete!

                      in reply to: Refresh Token Error #6338
                      Komal Thareja

                        @Robin, could you please try to restart your JH container via File -> Hub Control Panel -> Stop My container -> Start My container when you see this error?

                        Also, the path to replace the token is /home/fabric/.tokens.json . We will fix this in the documentation of it’s incorrect. Also, could you please let us know which JH container are you using?



                        in reply to: Exposing Ports to the Outside World #6334
                        Komal Thareja

                          @Lyod –  Fabnetv4Ext notebook has a bug and configures the route incorrectly. We will fix the notebook, sharing the fix needed to the routes below. Hope this helps!

                          Configure Node1 cell in notebook should change the route as below via EXT gateway, ping should work.

                          stdout, stderr = node1.execute(f'sudo ip route add via {network1.get_gateway()}')

                          Configure Node2 cell in notebook should change the route as below via EXT gateway, ping should work.

                          stdout, stderr = node2.execute(f'sudo ip route add via {network2.get_gateway()}')




                          in reply to: Unable to use fablib.manager #6331
                          Komal Thareja

                            Hi Shams,

                            Could you please remove <> enclosing the project id in /home/fabric/work/fabric_config/fabric_rc and restart your JH container via File -> Hub Control Panel -> Stop Container followed by Start Container?

                            Please try your notebook again and let us know if you still observe this error.



                            in reply to: Fabric Testbed is open and ready for use! #6271
                            Komal Thareja

                              STAR site has 6 worker nodes each with 128 cores = 768 cores. This is same as the previous release.

                              Oversubscription is not enabled on STAR.

                              Komal Thareja

                                @Nagmat – Your back should be available in your new JH container as fabric_bkp.tgz. Please start your container and let us know if you face any issues accessing the data.



                                Komal Thareja

                                  @Nagmat – Could you please stop your JH container? I took backup of your old files and would copy it your new container.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 403 total)
                                FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

                                KNIT10 Call for Demos Now Open! Submit your demo by **February 24**. [>>>Submit Demo](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRIWqHliNP3DFWBCnalYN_fBXJXVM0PpP9YWWJdSebC95TvA/viewform)
                                FABRIC invites nominations for four awards recognizing innovative uses of FABRIC resources—Best Published Paper, Best FABRIC Matrix, Best FABRIC Experiment, and Best Classroom Use of FABRIC — submissions due by **Monday, February 24 at 11:59 PM ET**, and winners announced at KNIT10. [>>>Submit Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTp3i2iDhB7bHgN8ryMxZci8ya87yjeQd7_JMZImUodNinVA/viewform)

                                KNIT10 Call for Demos Now Open! Submit your demo by **February 24**. [>>>Submit Demo](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRIWqHliNP3DFWBCnalYN_fBXJXVM0PpP9YWWJdSebC95TvA/viewform)