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  4. Signing up for a FABRIC account

Signing up for a FABRIC account

Navigate to the FABRIC portal at https://portal.fabric-testbed.net/.

Make sure you accept the cookie policy. Skipping the cookie policy will prevent you from enrolling.

Click “Sign up” in the portal.

Then click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner of the browser window. This will take you to the FABRIC Sign Up workflow. Most likely your university or educational institution is a member of an InCommon and you already have a FABRIC account. This workflow will walk you through logging in with with your institutional ID.

Currently FABRIC requires that you use your institutional login to login to FABRIC using a system called CI Logon. At a later date we expect to be able to support logging in using a Google account under special circumstances and with additional manual review.

Click proceed to continue.

The next step is to authenticate using CILogon. This step requires logging in with your institutional ID and password.

Choose your institution from the drop down menu.

Note that using Google, GitHub, Microsoft or ORCID requires extra approvals. Whenever possible you should locate your University in the drop down menu and use it as your Identity Provider.

Also note that you must always use the same identity provider when logging into FABRIC.

Login with your institutional ID and password.

After successfully logging in with CILogon you will be taken to the self-sign up workflow.

Click “Begin” to start the self signup workflow.

Choose your institution from the drop down again.

Confirm the correctness of your name and email address. Most likely you do not need to change anything here. Just click “submit”.

The system will send you an email asking for you to verify your email address. Click the link in your email.

Check your email and follow the instructions to confirm your email address.

Click the link in your email to confirm your email address.

Some campus email systems in trying to protect you from phishing can overwrite the URL sent to you in the confirmation email. In some cases this URL may be mangled to the point where it no longer works and you may be led to a screen that says the link is invalid. In this case please copy-paste the mangled URL in the email into this website, and then follow the decoded link to confirm your email.

At this point, you should receive an approval email that your enrollment is completed.

Check your email for the approval message from the FABRIC administrators.

FABRIC approval email. Now you can access FABRIC.

After receiving the FABRIC approval email you can access FABRIC. Please return to the FABRIC FABRIC portal and login.

Login to the FABRIC portal.

Login with your institutional ID and password.

Choose your institution from the drop down menu.

Login with your institutional ID and password.

If you see a “User Profile” icon in top right, you have successfully logged in.

Note that only at this point (after you successfully logged in for the first time) others can now add you to their projects.

Updated on October 3, 2023

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